What is an investment policy statement (IPS)?

An IPS outlines the rules you want your advisor to follow for your portfolio. These rules can help you avoid making decisions based on your emotions – in good or bad times.

An IPS is a helpful tool for your advisor to have in addition to the "know your client (KYC) form" This link will open in a new window, which your advisor is required to fill out. The KYC form outlines basic details, like your net worth and some information on your risk tolerance, but does not necessarily create a strategy for your investment portfolio.

Effective long-term financial guidance

An IPS does not provide a complete detailed financial plan, but it does provide guidance that ensures your plan stays on track over the long term. Answer all questions as fully as possible so that the results reflect your personal needs and expectations as closely as possible.

This IPS blueprint was created to help you and your financial advisor develop a policy for making investment decisions. Your advisor may use their own standard IPS, but this questionnaire will help you complete the first steps and provide a basis for sound choices so you can better meet your financial goals.

Save a copy

When you’ve answered all the questions, the tool will generate a PDF version of your IPS. You can save and print this for future reference. None of your information will be saved or stored on this site.

Step 1 of 5 - About you

1) Your investing knowledge

Your level of investing knowledge tells your financial advisor whether or not you are likely to understand investing terms and decisions.

From the following, choose the statement that best describes your knowledge about investment products and services and then define your reliance on your advisor.

In the comments field, add any additional information that would describe your need for or use of professional investment advice; e.g., "I need my advisor for strategy and ongoing investment management

2) Minimizing tax

Tax plays a key role in how you invest. Depending on the type of account you use to invest your money (registered or non-registered accounts), the type of income generated by your investments and whether you hold foreign investments, you will be taxed differently. Your advisor can determine the federal and provincial tax information that applies to you, based on your income.

Learn more about how investments are taxed